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Date: 1/2/2020
Subject: Jags ‘n’ Jam - Breakfast at Mimi's Cafe, Tustin January 4th
From: Charles Anton

Breakfast at Mimi’s Cafe


Did you drive 1000 miles over the Christmas break?  Don’t ant to do another 1000?  Don’t want to make another huge meal for 20 people?  If you live within 30 minutes of Tustin, want to just enjoy your Jaaaaaaag for just a bit, and enjoy some delicious croissants and coffee, this is the event for you.  A huge parking lot awaits plenty of Jags.  Dedicated traffic light for easy in/out.  So bring your best and join others who want a good breakfast but don’t want to make it.  Kick your tires, or someone else’s without getting caught of course! This is an informal breakfast option for anyone who wants an option in this area. Easy access off the 22/55 freeways. Great option for folks anywhere from San Clemente to Artesia to Los Alamitos to Chino Hills. RSVP optional.  Please see jam imported from France on bumper!  C’est jolie!  A bientot!


 January 4th 2020. 

1/4/2020 9-10:30am


Mimi’s Cafe, 17231 17th Street Tustin 92780 310-291-8904