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Published on 6/21/2018

Well, it is again that time of year for those individuals who would like to step up to the next level of their interest and dedication to the Jaguar Clubs of North America, and consider seeking the office of Regional Director and serving on the Board of Directors of JCNA.  The nominations are now open for each of the six regions of JCNA for the AGM years 2019 -&- 2020 (i.e.- two year) term of Office.  Nominations must be made in accordance with the JCNA Bylaws -(as stated below)- by submission of a duly completed “Nomination for Regional Director Form” -found in the Library-link on the website, and mailed (or faxed) to me AND George Camp -JCNA Administrator -before AUGUST 15th, 2018.


Serving on the JCNA Nominating Committee, it is the Committee’s duty to compile a list of one or more Candidates seeking office for the 2019-to-2021 Board of Directors from each Region - before August 15th, 2018 –(only 2 1/2 months away).


Fortunately, your current Regional Director – Leslie Hamilton- has agreed to again seek the nomination for JCNA Regional Director of the S-W Region.


HOWEVER, this does not preclude the nomination of someone else to also seek this position.


If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, as a Regional Director of the South-West Region, the Committee would welcome your application.  To discuss a nomination and the requirements for candidacy, please contact Jim Friel or Mark Mayuga.