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A Word from the President

Published on 1/1/2018

As I write this just before Thanksgiving there are several things be thankful for and to look forward to. Among the many things to be thankful for, one is that it has been a good year for the JOC.


Looking forward, our next event is our Annual Awards and Holiday Luncheon.


This is on the 17th of December at the Shoreline Yacht Club in Long Beach. This venue is right on the water, the view is excellent and the pricing is reasonable.


We hope to see you there. This is the last event of this year for the general membership. The Board is already planning next year’s events, the most prominent of which is the hosting by our club of the 3rd International Jaguar Festival (IJF) next November in Santa Barbara. It starts in the first week of November so save the date and plan to join us.


The opportunity to attend an IJF may not come this way again for many years. The IJF provides a wonderful opportunity to see many beautiful Jaguars from the past and present as well as on opportunity to see where Jaguar is headed. As you probably know, Jaguar is introducing many new models next year and we hope and expect many if not all will be available and possibly driving during Festival week.


It will an exciting week in beautiful Santa Barbara, on the Beach with a tour of the Santa Barbara wine country, a Concours, a slalom and several other events. Watch for more information in 2018.


The initial planning committee for the IJF has met and plans are being developed.


It is not too late to join this group, so look for future meetings if you want to be involved in this fantastic event.


The rest of my remarks are of the more mundane type as we look forward to 2018. First is the issue of dues payment.


We encourage you to sign up early and hope you will carefully review the renewal form. The Roster has become outdated and we need your help in making it accurate. So check your information. In particular, please furnish us with your email address, if you have one. The Newsletter comes out only once a month so the only way we can provide needed information to you about new additions to the scheduling of events or changes in plans is via email. Next, please check all of the information in last year’s Roster for currency: cars get sold, or purchased, email addresses may change and perhaps you have a new address. As you renew, this is the best time to let us know if your information is current and complete.


Best wishes for the rest of the Holiday Season and welcome 2018!