The Jaguar Owners Club has lost another one of its finest members.
Jim Friel has passed away. Jim was a gentle giant of a gentle man. He served in several club officer positions and eventually as president in 2017-2018. Jim and Betty were “the couple” who were always there ready to help at any event or lend good advice.
Jim was a professor of mathematics at Cal State University Fullerton. His love of Jaguars was obvious with his XK8’s coupe and convertible. He purchased John Nyquist XKR and proudly campaigned it in the JCNA National Concours program. Jim was our treasurer for many years and finally got us in the “black” and organized.
His financial wisdom during the 2018 International Jaguar Festival in Santa Barbara contributed greatly to making the event the most successful IJF in JCNA history. His contributions to the BOD were always welcomed and respected. Handing off the treasurer’s duties to Gene Cohen was an example of organization and clarity for any non-profit organization.
Jim Friel was gentle and thoughtful. His person will be missed by this President and by this organization that benefitted from his thoughtfulness and good counsel. We all will miss him. Let’s support Betty and include her in our thoughts and prayers. Farewell old friend, we will meet again,
Mark Mayuga
President JOCLA |